Monday, January 23, 2012

Technology 2012

This is a more personal blog today! Last week my computer jack broke and I have been with out my computer for 4 days. YES….4 days. That don’t seem very long but let me tell you it is amazing what we do with everyday life with our computers!!!! Well as a Realtor, I am marketing, blogging, updating information on the web for homes, finding homes for buyer, marketing homes for my sellers, and the list goes on and on and on……You get the picture.
Okay you are saying what does this have to do with real estate, A LOT! Computers are a BIG part of how buyers find homes. As a sellers and sellers agents agent did you know that 50% of all buyers have been looking for homes on the internet BEFORE they find a Realtor? What does that mean to sellers? That means that if you are not marketing your property with an agent that gets your home “out” on the web, it will be missed. Or if you are trying to sell your home yourself, are you being seen by the buyers? If the buyer for your home has been searching on the internet for a home and they didn’t find yours, the chances of yours selling goes DOWN! So find an agent that will market your home!
If you are not happy with what your current agent is doing for you, FIRE them and HIRE an agent that understands buyers and sellers and knows the marketing on the internet is the first step in finding buyers!
Call, text or email me today! Or check out my website at

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